The Children of Thailand Needs You

If you ever been to Thailand, you would probably notice that one of the place’s crisis is poverty, which affects thousands of families including their children.

But why do children are more affected? With poverty, there is no chance of education for them at all.  With that, it is every children’s right to have an education, but because of poverty, they weren’t able to get that. 

The children of Thailand need you. It is time that we give them what they deserve. This is the very reason why Desmond Teo Yen Koon started his vision to help the children of Thailand.

But it’s not just education, but there is still more reason which made Desmond Teo Yen Koon couraged to start his journey. Let’s check this out!

Problems Facing by the Children of Thailand

Aside from poverty, there are also other things which have become a crisis in Thailand. Here are a few:

  • Aids

    it is a very sad truth but children are now victims of AIDS through transmission and even passed on from their parents.


  • Discrimination

    Some children with AIDS are treated unfairly not just with other children but even adults. Not only that children have become weaker because of the disease but also psychologically because of how others perceived them.

  • Child labor

    Poor families can’t afford to buy a living, food, shelter nor something for survival. Children are now becoming victims of prostitution just because of the need to live, earn and survive. 

If you think this isn’t something the children of Thailand, and even of the world, deserve then join Desmond Teo Yeon Koon and be part of the journey, be part of the mission. Send help to the children of Thailand. before that, you need to first install groupe messaging app to get the latest news on this matter.