Top 5 American States that Pay the Highest Salaries to Rural Educators

Top 5 American States that Pay the Highest Salaries to Rural Educators

“Why Rural Matters” a 2018-2019 report released by the Rural School and Community Trust presented information about American states that pay the highest full-time salaries to rural educators comprised of teachers and principal. The high salaries paid by the top ten (10) states, are even higher than average national compensation of $74,153 paid to educators in suburban districts and $73,357 in urban districts.

Where the average annual salary of educators in the country’s rural areas is $69,797, the state of Alaska pays the highest at $102,736.

Find below the top 5 American states in which rural educators receive pays higher than the national average for all district categories.

1. Alaska – At an average of $102,736 per annum, rural educators in Alaska earn an average of $8,561 per month. This denotes that rural teachers earn a monthly compensation that is way above the $3,000 to $4,000 paid by employers in large metropolitan cities in Alaska. However, the report also noted that the state’s rural schools have the lowest graduation rates when compared to rural educational institutions located in other U.S. states.

2. New York rural educators receive average annual salaries of $100,957, since the state government allocates 22.4 percent of the educational budget to rural districts.

Although ranked as the second highest payer of compensation to rural teachers and principals, it is a known fact that the state of NY also has the highest rate of income tax, deducted and withheld from salaries of employees working in New York, whether in rural or urban areas.

3. Rhode Island rural educators receive annual pay averaging at $87,476. The Rhode Island state government allots only 2.3% of the education funding in rural districts, as only 3.5% of the region’s student population are enrolled, The percentage is definitely lower than the national average of 15.4 percent for rural school enrollees.

4. Connecticut rural schools pay an average of $86,223 per year to their educators. The number of rural school enrollees is 11 percent of the state’s entire student population, which is also lower than the national average of 15.4 percent.

5. Wyoming Nearly half of the schools in Wyoming are located in rural areas, to which educators receive an average salary of $85,117. In recent years, the state has been seeing growth in economy because of the boom in the region’s production of natural gas and trona or soda ash.