Creative Ways To Clean Your Stuff In The House

So many people, so many habits like here on sneaky pete season 4 if you want something interesting try to watch it you will get knowledge about the importance of cleanliness. There is an approach that appeals to everyone. And in order to clean up, you often need a constructive push. It is important to see the difference between ontspullen (decluttering ) and arranging, organizing It is precise with the latter that you end up all too easily on a sidetrack. This blog is about the first step: less stuff.

5 minutes every day

Cleaning up takes time. And energy. So make sure you start small. Choose a room where you want to clean up and limit yourself to one cluttered area. Finished? Then stop cleaning up! If you start small, you’ll have more successes to celebrate. And that is ultimately what keeps you motivated. Experience shows that you can be just as satisfied with a tidy drawer as with a complete room.

One item out of your house every day

Every day you throw one thing away, bring it to the thrift store or sell it. The Australian Colleen Madsen shows on her site ‘365 Fewer Things’ with before-and-after photos that you can also achieve great results with small steps.

Fill a garbage bag every week

Is it too slow for you with 1 item per day? Then challenge yourself weekly to fill a garbage bag with 27 items that can go. You quickly go through your house and you grab things left and right until the bag is full. Don’t look in it anymore, close the bag and throw it away. This 27 Fling Boogie is all about speed. Also nice to make a game out of it with your housemates. Who is the fastest to finish? (A pair of slippers counts for two!)

Do ‘The Minimalism Game

Does a fixed challenge work well for you? With the 30-day Minimalism Game, you take on a challenge that gets a little more difficult every day. It works very simply: something leaves your house every day. You can throw it away, sell it or recycle it, but it has to be out of your house at the end of the day. On day 1 you start with 1 thing, on the 2nd day you do 2 things, and so on. After 30 days you will have 465 fewer items (and if you get the hang of it, nobody will stop you from continuing for a few more days). If you take up the challenge together, you are more likely to keep it up.

The 1-in-10-out rule

A rule from The Minimalists: For every item that enters your house, ten must come out. Rigorous and effective. Because not only will your household goods shrink at a rapid rate, you will also think hard before you buy anything. That nice t-shirt? Then 10 items have to get out of your wardrobe. Seen a nice new chair? Then you have to discard 10 other pieces of furniture. Handy new salad box? Then 10 other kitchen items have to be recycled.

Get what you need from a box

‘Cleaning up the other way around is the more rigorous approach if you really have a lot of stuff and are having a lot of trouble getting rid of something. You put the entire contents of a drawer in an empty box. If you need something, you take it out of the box. After use, put it back in the drawer. Items that you still haven’t used after a month can be given away or thrown away. Do you think that’s too fast? Then arrange a different period with yourself. This way you can also hang or put all your clothes in the closet the other way around. Once you’ve worn it, put it back in the normal way. After six months you have a clear picture of the clothes you actually wear.

Challenge yourself with numbers

Set a clearing goal for yourself in numbers. Pick a number and clear until you reach that number of items. So select the dishes from your china cabinet until you have only 8, or empty your wardrobe until you have 50 items of clothing, or set yourself the requirement that there should be no more than 10, 20, or 30 items in your drawer.

Look at it differently

Do you know that? A box of stuff that’s been there for so long that your brain simply ignores it? Look at your house with different eyes and you will get a different view of your belongings. For example: imagine that your colleagues or your manager come to your house for dinner, or that you have a toddler or a dog over the floor. Stand on a staircase and look at your room from above. Or take pictures or a video of your house – strangely enough, you often notice completely different things.


To cut the knots when decluttering, you can ask yourself all sorts of questions when tidying up. Growthinkers provide a handy list, with questions such as: ‘does this add value to my life?’, ‘would I buy this if I saw it in the store now and how much would I pay for it?’ and ‘Am I keeping this out of guilt?’