It’s good to secure a degree in education. Like what they said, it’s a treasure that can’t be stolen. The thing with education is, it needs money and time to get the degree you seek. Whether you like it or not, even with a degree it doesn’t give you guarantee that it’ll pave way for the best path for the career you seek.
They said that getting high grades would be your stepping stone. It’s also one of the reasons why some students are going the extra mile to improve, even to the point of giving the brightest student in the class with the best alarm clock spy camera to learn their routines, habits and even answers on homework. Crazy! Right? But this is actually one of the realities of being a student.
Tougher and Fiercer Competition for Workforce
Now when it comes to getting your degree, this practice started long before the 12th century. Then at the start of 20th century, it became easily accessible but even in early 60s, just 6% of under 21s pursued college education.
These days, the figure is closer to 43% with 260k+ first degrees graduated. Then again, the increase in number of graduate students means that there are fewer employers who are willing to sift through applicants that have no degree.
Are Higher Grades Easier to get Now?
Actually, Yes! 13% have higher grade today, which is almost twice as much as they were a decade ago. This is a great sign that universities are doing a great job. However according to HESA or Higher Education Statistics Agency, the rise is not that high enough for it is just a mere 1% increase from 2006 with just 36k+ awarded last year.
Long-term Prospects among Graduates
The data analysis from HESA showed that 3 years after they made their first survey, the percentage of student graduated in full-time paid employment peaked at 74%. The degree of unemployment on the same period had dropped as well from 5% to just 2%. Overall, there are 80% of graduates who were employed and reported to be working in job classifieds.